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Meteorite Hunter Yuha Jin

Aqua Planet Edition

In the year 20XX in Korea, Yuha Jin is a ‘meteorite hunter’ who collects and sells meteorites. One day, after hearing a signal that a meteorite had fallen, Yuha and his AI assistant, Frimal, headed to the Uyut Desert. Despite their search, they find nothing—not even a trace of the meteorite. What could have possibly happened there? This is a science fiction novel that incorporates a hypothesis to ..
In the year 20XX in Korea, Yuha Jin is a ‘meteorite hunter’ who collects and sells meteorites. One day, after hearing a signal that a meteorite had fallen, Yuha and his AI assistant, Frimal, headed to the Uyut Desert. Despite their search, they find nothing—not even a trace of the meteorite. What could have possibly happened there? This is a science fiction novel that incorporates a hypothesis to solve Earth's environmental issues.

EUNJOLEE graduated with a bachelor's degree in visual design from the Seoul Arts Colleagues in the Republic of Korea, majoring in design arts. She later pursued a master's degree at Kyoto University of the Arts in Japan, where she studied manga and cartoons. She aims to explore the various meanings of text and illustrations through the medium of books.

Instagram | @pnueoje

○ Jeongbin Park
Jeongbin Park studied engineering and economics at Seoul National University during his undergrad. Afterward, he completed his master's degree at Seoul National University Graduate School and has been developing technology as a scientist at Biotech. He is now preparing to leap into a broader world.
Email | [nate9389@gmail.com](mailto:nate9389@gmail.com)

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